Kelly & Katie's Fun Fall Wedding | 11.11.18 | Saltwater Farm Vineyard

The "Wedding Season" doesn't have to end in October anymore. Need some evidence? Check out Kelly and Katie's November wedding at Saltwater Farm Vineyard this past year. The day was filled with beautiful people and scenery. Robert Norman and his crew captured all the perfect moments, including a special late nite snack salute to their favorite movie!CREATIVE PARTNERS:PHOTOGRAPHY | Robert Norman PhotographyVENUE | Saltwater Farm VineyardCATERING | A Thyme to CookWEDDING PLANNER | Daly PlanningFLORAL | Hana FloralMUSIC | Power Posse Productions


Felicia and Josh’s Tree Farm Fall Wedding | 10.20.18 | Allen Hill Tree Farm


Rebecca & Matthew's Summer Mansion Wedding | 7.14.18 | Branford House Mansion